Monday 6 February 2012

My Little Spirit Friend

My Little Friend
(to protect the identity's of both my guide and her family i have changed her name)

Since before i can remember i have always had "friends" that no one else was able to see. Of course my family put it down to me having a normal active imagination; they thought they were  typical imaginary friends.

There is one "friend" that I have always been able to remember a young dark haired girl that when i was young i would play with and talk to; for the purpose of this i will name her Angel.
Angel was always around me, in fact she was nearly with me constantly!.. We would sit in my room and talk, play with Dolly's and other toys, we would also play games like hide and seek, we sang songs and generally had lots of fun.
When it would be dinner time i would even ask mum to do her a plate of dinner, of course my mum told me not to be silly, thinking that she was just an imaginary friend.

As i got older i began to see more things that others couldn't, some things were not the nicest such as people hanging from trees and old nurses that just looked plain creepy. The strange thing was that whenever i saw something else Angel would suddenly be there, reassuring me and telling me things about what i was seeing. I would tell my mum about what i had seen and she in turn told one of my aunts who decided that i had nasty things following me around and took me to see a reverend from the local church.
Angel came with me and found the whole experience quite amusing, i was given a book to read called wardship down to try and help me understand about death and that type of thing. Of course my aunt and the reverend was so wrong and what i was seeing was not nasty things at all.

As time went on i began to open up more to my mum about what i was seeing, my main topic was that of Angel. I would tell my mum about her watching over me in my room at night and would describe her down to the last detail. I remember the first description i gave my mum of Angel, She was a young girl about 7 or 8 with long dark hair and she wore a silky white dress with a red ribbon around the middle tied in a bow and of course her name; angel. Mum would ask me questions and i would answer. At this point i think my mum was starting to feel that perhaps these things i could see were not as imaginary as she first thought.

My mum noticed that pictures of me were moving about, they would be in one place before bed and then moved to another by time she woke up. Angel told me it that it was visitors wanting to speak with my trying to get my attention, i however choose not to speak with the people i saw as it was quite scary at times.

One day mum asked me rather randomly weather Angel had any other names, i told her i didn't know and i would ask. So i turned to her and asked her if she had any other names. Angel told me her full name; first, middle and last. I told my mum the name she had given and my mums face dropped, the surprise in her face was unmistakable. Like she knew the name, then she asked me more questions to ask Angel.
How old are you?, why are you here?, and where are you berried?. I then realised what my mum was getting at but i was not scared.
I asked angel the questions and she gave the answers. She told me she was 8 and that she was there to look after me and to be my little friend. She was however somewhat reluctant to tell me where she was berried. I had to ask her a few times, she knew why my mum was asking this, my mum wanted to know that i nor she had gone mad. Angel finally told me how to get to her grave so i told my mum i would show her if she took me to a particular grave yard.

We arrived at the grave yard and we walked in, i followed the direction that Angel had given me and it led me to some baby's graves. Then i found the headstone that Angel had explained. I pointed to it and mum read the stone, Sure enough it was Angels name and the year that she has passed would make her 8 years of age. We went back home and nothing more was said on the subject, mum didn't ask anymore questions and neither did she overly pay attention when i would tell her that Angel had been to see me.

Some years later as i became older and went to secondary school i began to move my attention from Angel and i would do my own thing, like have friends round and that type of thing. She was still there though and i could still see and hear her however my interest just wasn't in her anymore. I was getting older and wanted real friends my own age, i no longer wanted to play with Dolly's. A couple of times Angel became jealous of her lack of attention and made her self very well known.

One night i had a friend stay over whom i hadn't seen in a very long while, all my attention was on my friend and i hadn't payed Angel any attention. Angel decided that it would be a good idea to throw a candle across the room, not to damage or hurt anyone but to get attention, and by gosh she did.. My friend freaked and ran downstairs to my mum who then comforted her. Meanwhile i was in hysterics as i had found it very amusing.

It was at this point that my mum began to ask questions again, however i was fed up of answering them so i dediced to ask Angel to proove to my mum that she was in fact there and knew what my mum was saying, so my mum asked Angel to make a bang on the cooker (it was a built in cooker on an end unit). Then there were about 4 knocks on the side of the cooker, done with some force. My mum ran to the next room and told me we were going, we were going to pack our things and just leave. I refused and told her that even if we did run away that Angel would just remain with us where ever we were, she went where i went. I reasured my mum that Angel would not hurt her and that everything was fine. It took my mum some time to calm down but when she did we were able to laugh about what had happened.

My mum began to accept that i had a very real little friend with me and i learnt that she would truly be there for me always. She has been an advisor, Protector and listener to me for all these years and i really hope that she will be here for me always.  Although i still see her as a small child i do not think of her as one in that way, for she is a very wise spirit and more knowledgeable than you could imagne.

So the next time any child tells you that they see someone that you or other people can not!!... remember not everything in a childs eyes is imaginery, they could very well have there very own little friend!

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